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Thank you for your interest in applying to the Atlanta English Institute! AEI accepts those who meet its admission criteria:

  • •学生必须是高中毕业或年龄在17岁或以上(根据佐治亚州法律,成年年龄)
  • • literate at entry level
  • • Satisfactory placement test
  • • Financial capability
  • • Provide all required documents detailed in this section of the website.

  • • All online students are required to submit a photo I.D. (e.g. driver's license, State ID, passport, etc.) Please click to view Online Technical Requirements.

Click through the tabs above to find more information.

All Students

1. Complete the application.
The application may be completed online, in person, or printed out from the internet and submitted by fax or mail. Please contact the school if you have any questions or you need application materials sent by mail or fax. The online application started by clicking here.

2. Make an Initial Payment
The Initial Payment depends on the course for which you are applying. It includes tuition for one eight week session plus the application fee, if applicable. Tutoring students must make payment for the minimum enrollment period. If you are applying for the Test Preparation , 请注意,学生必须参加AEI七(7)级强化考试 English Program. Please refer to further prerequisites in Program and Courses.Payment may be made online by clicking here.

3. Schedule a placement test and orientation.
All students are required to take a placement test, and please refer to the orientation schedule in the main office. 考试时间大约一个半小时,包括听力、口语、 grammar and writing. Results are usually available the next day. If there are any 如果有关于等级分配的问题或担忧,学生应该安排一个会议 with the Dean of Students who will proceed according to the school policy.


学校能够帮助失去学生身份的AEI学生(必须是A学生) reinstate with the school where his/her file was terminated). The student must interview 跟学校解释一下失去身份的情况. If the student’s 情况合理的,学校将支持复职申请.

1. Required documentation
• AEI application
• New I-20 from AEI
• Copies of I-20s and official transcripts from all previous schools
• Copies of visa and passport
• Original I-94
• Complete I-539 Form
• USCIS Filing GA (verify current fee)
• Sponsor’s letter (notarized)

2. Requirements
• The loss of status must have been outside the control of the student.
•恢复申请必须由USCIS完成并收到 within five months of losing status.
• Time is of the essence. There can be no delay by the student in processing the application for reinstatement.
• Students are required to begin study at AEI immediately.
• Evidence of eligibility.

3. Please contact the school regarding specific criteria and procedure.
•您可以致电770-455-9226或1-770-455-9226或通过电子邮件与我们联系 here.


1. Required documentation:
• Application only.

2. 除正常申请外,辅导学生还需填写一份 Tutoring Set-up Sheet indicating goals and preferred days and times.

3. 一旦收到申请、首期付款和设置表,学校就会通知学生 是否会根据每个学生的需要安排导师和辅导时间表. 这通常需要两到三天,但如果有特殊情况,有时会更长 requirements. The school will confirm the starting date by phone after all scheduling has been completed.

To find out more about tutoring, click here and select the Tutoring tab.

International Students

bet9官网app下载bet9九州app下载(AEI)是由联邦政府认证注册的 non-immigrant students. That is, AEI is able to issue SEVIS I-20s. (ATL214F01554000)

General Procedure
1. 如果您对填写申请表有疑问,请咨询申请说明 application, or feel free to contact the school.

2. 一旦你完成了申请,所需的文件(见下文)和首字母 收到付款后,学校将在5天内出具所需文件 business days. Such documentation includes, at a minimum, an official Letter of Acceptance and the I-20.

3. Students who are denied a student visa by the U.S. government may apply for a tuition refund. 请参阅学校政策(退款和退学政策)了解资格 requirements.

Students Applying from Overseas (Initial Entry)
1. Documentation required by the school to issue an I-20
  • • AEI Application
  • • Copy of passport
  • • Financial documentation (total expense on I-20 must be covered).

At least one of the following:
  • • Current bank statement
  • • Affidavit of Support (I-134, sponsor in the USA) (notarized)
  • • Sponsor’s letter (notarized)

2. 在处理你的申请后,学校通常会寄给你一份完整的I-20和一份表格 other school documents directly to the student by International DHL. (Alternatively, 学生代表或代理可以拿起I-20并直接交给学生.) DHL快递通常需要大约5-7个工作日,具体取决于 destination.

3. Apply to the U.S. Embassy for a Student (F-1) Visa and associated interview. The school 强烈建议未来的学生仔细研究的过程 applying for a student visa. For your assistance, we have developed what we hope will be a helpful document entitled Visa Tips. In addition to any Embassy application fees, prospective students from overseas must pay a $350 I-901 SEVIS fee. (This is a government fee and distinct from the AEI Application Fee).

4. Please notify the school immediately of your visa approval. After you arrive in the 请携带以下文件到学校:护照,I-94,签证, original I-20. (The school will make copies and return the originals to student.)

5. 抵达美国后也请尽快与学校联系 in order to schedule both a placement test and orientation.

6. 如果你的美国地址或其他bet9官网app下载,请立即让学校知道 information has changed from your original application.

Transfer Students
1. Required Documentation to Issue I-20
• AEI Application
• Copy of the previous, valid I-20
• Copy of visa, passport, and I-94
• Financial Documentation (total expense on I-20 must be covered). At least one of the following:
• Current bank statement
• Affidavit of Support (I-134, sponsor in the USA) (notarized)
• Sponsor’s letter (notarized)

2. 从其他SEVIS认可的学校申请AEI的F1学生必须首先通知他们的当前学校 school that they intend to transfer.

3. Complete a school application and make the Initial Payment.

4. 完成AEI转学表的顶部部分,并将其交给您现在的学校. 学生有责任确保将此表格及时交回AEI.

5. 通常情况下,你现在就读的学校也会要求学校出具正式的录取通知书 Atlanta English Institute.

6. 一旦AEI收到完整的申请和批准的转学表,学生的SEVIS records will be transferred from their current school to AEI. A new I-20 from AEI will be created. The student has 15 days to sign his or her new I-20 after beginning class.

7. 请注意,在sevis批准的学校之间转学不需要政府批准. 您从AEI签署的新I-20是关于您的转移的官方USCIS文件.

8. 转学完成后,请预约参加分班考试 as early as possible prior to your start date. In certain cases, such as a midsession start, an immediate placement test may be required at the earliest possible time.

9. 重要提示:转校生应确保他们的转校期和开始日期 AEI are acceptable to both institutions.

Change of Status
学校能够帮助持其他签证在美国的准学生 change to student status. (E.g.: from a B1/B2 or J Visa to the F-1 Student Visa.)

1. Documentation Required by the School to issue the I-20
• Application
• Copy of visa, passport, and I-94 (including those of dependents; if applicable)
• Financial documentation (total expense on I-20 must be covered).

At least one of the following:
• Current bank statement
• Affidavit of Support (I-134, sponsor in the USA)
• Sponsor’s letter (notarized)

2. B1/B2签证的学生在身份变更获得批准后才能开始完整的课程学习. J1和其他签证持有人可以在提交更改后立即开始学习 status application.

3. 学校建议(虽然没有必要)学生保留律师的服务 attorney to process the change of status application. A referral is available upon request.

4. Please contact the school regarding specific criteria and procedure.

5. B1/B2签证持有者:申请通过后请立即预约分班考试. Other Visa holders (e.g. J Visa): Please schedule a placement test appointment when you apply.

6. 申请改变身份的未来学生必须支付350美元的I-901 SEVIS费用. (This is a government fee and is separate from the AEI Application Fee).

7. 当您的身份变更被批准后,请立即与学校联系. In addition, bring the approval notice to the school. (The school will make copies and return originals to the student).

8. 被批准改变身份的学生必须在两周内开始上课 the date of approval.

9. Please also schedule an orientation at the earliest possible time.

10. 如果您的地址或其他联系信息与原来的有变化 application, please notify the school immediately.


Native Speakers


Our students learn American English from American instructors. 其他证书和要求包括相关的大学学位和英语作为第二语言教学的TESOL认证-知道如何以一种帮助学生快速学习和最有效率的方式交流. 我们的大多数教师都拥有高级学位和ESL认证.

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